L’Europe de Julien Allouf – Par Teresa Artjoki


Exposition Europia #2 – Damien Rault

In the midst of heated political debate, photographer and actor Julien Allouf presents a fresh perspective on European identity with his exhibition “Europia #2”, with the scenography of James Brandily. Having spent 4 years exploring the European capitals, Allouf captures something that journalistic and touristic photography could never offer; a Europe of the people. The exhibition provides a perambulation of the institutional elements and the intricately different atmospheres found across the continent.


Damien Rault


Europe of Urgency

Alluding to the fall of the Berlin wall and end of the Cold-War period, Allouf states how what began as a promise of peace and communion between people, now is seeing a vast degeneration. He began conceptualising his work during the Greek financial crisis, which was only the start of the beginning; the Hungarian border barrier of 500 km, Brexit, rise of nationalist tendencies in France… A political climate, which overtly puts in question the European common identity. Allouf wanted to portray the materialisation of this mythical concept, in how it actually shows on the streets of European capitals.

His exhibition includes a collection of small pictures, which he invites visitors to take with them. “I like the idea of them ending up where ever, like on a fridge or something.” Finally, he is highly invested in engaging with the reflections of his visitors, and hearing what resonated with them about the exhibition. This acknowledges the individual sentiments Europe evokes in us, and thus bounces back the focus of his exhibition to the original object of his study; the European people.

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Report : meeting about YPAL after Reims 2016

Reunion on Sunday

Reunion on Sunday

42 YPALs have gathered in Reims, France in January 2016. At the end of the week-end, they have had a discussion about the project in the future. Hannah (Germany), Oriane (France), Anne (General Delegate of the Festival), Quentin (France), Oskar (Germany), Pia (Germany), Lucie (Germany), Milan (Bosnia), Jelena (Bosnia), Alexandra (France), Claire (France), Hélène (France), Pierre-Yves (France), Maria (Spain), Jennifer (France), Janne (Germany), Florian (France), Lena (Germany), Johanna (Germany), Sophie (Belgique), Pauline (France), Julia (France) were there.

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YPAL 2016 in Reims – What happened?

Like every year, the international weekend with the YPAL group in Reims unfortunately came to an end. This year we were about 40 people, including 2 Spanish, 2 Bosnia, lots of French and lots of Germans, who participated in the festival Reims Scènes d’Europe for one weekend.

You’re going to read my personal description in this article. There will be another article of the Future-YPAL stuff we gathered on our reunion sunday! Continue reading

Le Bocal – Meeting place

DSCN3523.2The small saloon in La Comédie’s basement “Bocal” with its comfortable couches and armchairs is well-prepared for your arriving on Friday. Also the “chronic” workshop of Christophe Candoni will be held there.

A relaxing atmosphere invites to drink a cup of tea or coffee and of course to chat with other members of the YPAL group.

Agnès and Oriane who are taking care for your well-being already made themselves comfortable on the sofas.



See you on Friday!

– Hannah

TERRORisms – International theatrefestival – YPALs in Stuttgart – 2015

IMG_0141TERROR on stage

TERRORisms was the name of the last international theatre festival, that took place in Stuttgart for five days, from 24.-28. June in 2015. There, 5 cities of 5 countries were invited by the organization “Union des Théâtres des l’Europe” (U.T.E) to perform their plays of the topic. Within five days Oslo, Tel-Aviv, Belgrade, Stuttgart and Reims showed their plays. Continue reading